Thursday, May 11, 2006

Best way to set up your Aquarium in Just 4 Hours..Continue.. part 2

So on my last post I was telling you how I met this guy who gave me the ultimate advise on how to setup a Marine Aquarium in just four hours (scroll down a few posts to read from beginning).
Well as he was explaining on what he did, I just couldn't believe how simple and frustrating it was for me. After all this time and money spent on books with titles like; Fish tank basics, Marine Aquarium setup made easy, 123 Aquariums fresh or saltwater (Marine) and luckily I didn't spend money on this book because it hadn't come out yet.. Aquariums for Dummies!!

Anyhow, so here are the basics for getting your Marine Aquarium setup:

You need all the basic elements of coarse. This means;

1. Aquarium (what ever size you would like)
Note: If setting up a Marine (salt water) Aquarium and are going to someday in the near future place invert and corals in it. I highly recommend you go with a 50 gal and above. It helps with water quality. Example: takes longer for temp variances, pollutant build up, etc.

2. 2 Aquarium Heaters and 2 thermometers
3. Lighting (you need proper lighting for a Marine setup if your going to hold corals etc.)
4. Protein skimmer (same as above, helps water quality)
5. Water tester kit (usually it's cheaper to buy the kit for the specific type of water fresh or salt)
6. Marine salt mix and "New" 10 to 25 gal trash can (depends on how big your tank is. I'll get to this detail later on)
7. power heads (makes mixing Marine salt easier)
8. Salinity gauge (checks the salt density)

Now remember it's a bit pricey to start out this way but the results are incredible. Like I've said, I've set up a few big Marine Aquarium tanks and a few small Nano tanks for my friend and they are all pretty healthy (oh coarse with proper care and monitoring).

So first thing you are going to do is fill up your plastic trash can with water. RO (Reverse Osmosis) is preferred and is the most suitable for aquaria. You can get this water from your local water seller, you find them all over the place now days. Or if you already have a RO unit in your home, that's even better as long as you have kept the maintanace up on it.

Now you filled up the can with the proper water about a little more than half way (you'll need the extra room later you'll see), place the Aquarium heater in the can and set get the temp to 72' to no more than 78' with the thermometer. Place a power head to help mix the water and salt mix which you must pour in slowly, usually two 8 oz cups at a time. Now check the salinity keep pouring and mixing until the salinity gauge reads about 1.019 STOP there. Let the water mix for a long while. You'll see that the salinity will jump, because the salt mix will dissolve properly.

After all is reading correctly (salinity and temp) your ready for the next step which I'll post later on today.

to be continued.....

Monday, May 08, 2006

New addition to My Reef Aquarium Setup

I just got this Coral Beauty from my local supplier. My Reef Aquarium SetUp has been just florishing and I'm in the process of adding like I've said a few more Corals. I mostly have hardy corals and working on getting harder to keep corals etc.

I've said before I've had this Reef Aquarium SetUp three years and even though I started with an established Seeded base (50% water, 70% base rock, 100% sand and crushed coral) taken from my established samller Reef Aquarium SetUp in which I took apart. I've had some crazy cycles even though this is an established Reef System. First it went through a green algae, then bubble algae, then a red algae and then a purple algae. I went from 14 hour lighting cycle to 11 hour daylight/astinic with a lunar light strip at night. Keeping the bottom Refugium lit three hours after the main Show Reef Aquarium SetUp lighting timer shuts down.
Here is a picture of my Refugium:
This is a small 25 gallon Refugium.
It's not much but man has it really help out the show
Reef Aquarium ever since I've installed it.
Brought down my Nitrate levels to 0% and my
Phosphate levels Down to 0% also. This Refugium
together with my protien skimmer has done the
trick to my other algae problems.

I'll post soon....